The stutter remains something memorable and good. I felt more at ease because of it. We were both somewhat vulnerable and, in our own ways, hesitant (Ryan Knighton, Cockeyed: A Memoir of Blindness)
I was so embarrassed about mispronouncing words. I just knew how to smile
I was so embarrassed about mispronouncing words. I just knew how to smile (Adriana Lima)
It takes one to know one, be careful what you say of others
It takes one to know one, be careful what you say of others (Julia Smelley)
It is customary to have vampires in stories nowadays – they are quite the norm, just like wicked stepmothers used to be. Yes, vampires have sent wicked stepmothers into retirement homes, to brew cups of tea and tend to their arthritic knees
It is customary to have vampires in stories nowadays – they are quite the norm, just like wicked stepmothers used to be. Yes, vampires have sent wicked stepmothers into retirement homes, to brew cups of tea and tend to their arthritic knees (Jane De Suza, The Spy Who Lost Her Head)
Feel-good books were ones you could put down with a smile on your face, books that made you think the world was a little crazier, stranger, and more beautiful when you looked up from them
Feel-good books were ones you could put down with a smile on your face, books that made you think the world was a little crazier, stranger, and more beautiful when you looked up from them (Katarina Bivald, The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend)
Suppression of love or hatred creates conflict
Suppression of love or hatred creates conflict (Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life)
It works…conditioning your mind to see something positive in anything! Anything that happens to you, anything said to you, anything said about you.I have the choice to INTERPRET it in a way that is positive.Surefire way to imbibe Pollyana attitude ! – Abha Maryada Banerjee, Nucleus: Power Women: Lead from the Core
It works…conditioning your mind to see something positive in anything! Anything that happens to you, anything said to you, anything said about you.I have the choice to INTERPRET it in a way that is positive.Surefire way to imbibe Pollyana attitude ! – Abha Maryada Banerjee, Nucleus: Power Women: Lead from the Core.
My personal theory is that he has a very firm grasp upon reality, it’s simply not a reality the rest of us have ever met before
My personal theory is that he has a very firm grasp upon reality, it’s simply not a reality the rest of us have ever met before. (Terry Pratchett, The Color of Magic)
Most times, even if giving your heart away ends in heartbreak, the risk was still worth it. Sometimes, that risk gives you little miracles. and sometimes, that risk gives you life lessons that allow you to grow and learn more about yourself
Most times, even if giving your heart away ends in heartbreak, the risk was still worth it. Sometimes, that risk gives you little miracles. and sometimes, that risk gives you life lessons that allow you to grow and learn more about yourself (Max Monroe, Scoring the Billionaire)
Jefferson determined the lodestar that lay hidden in the motivations of others – John Ferling, A Leap in the Dark: The Struggle to Create the American Republic
Jefferson determined the lodestar that lay hidden in the motivations of others – John Ferling, A Leap in the Dark: The Struggle to Create the American Republic