It is a great priviledge to hear from the mouth of an initiate what struggles we are ensnared in and what the meaning is of the sacrifices we are required to make before veiled images. Even if we should hear something evil, it would still be a blessing to see our task as something beyond a senseless cycle of recurrence

It is a great priviledge to hear from the mouth of an initiate what struggles we are ensnared in and what the meaning is of the sacrifices we are required to make before veiled images. Even if we should hear something evil, it would still be a blessing to see our task as something beyond a senseless cycle of recurrence

It is a great priviledge to hear from the mouth of an initiate what struggles we are ensnared in and what the meaning is of the sacrifices we are required to make before veiled images. Even if we should hear something evil, it would still be a blessing to see our task as something beyond a senseless cycle of recurrence. (Ernst Jünger, The Glass Bees)

Itdoes not need much wisdom to utter words of reproof; but much wisdomis needed to find such words as do not embitter a man’s misfortune, butencourage him, restore to him his spirit, put spurs to the horse of hissoul, refreshed by water

Itdoes not need much wisdom to utter words of reproof; but much wisdomis needed to find such words as do not embitter a man's misfortune, butencourage him, restore to him his spirit, put spurs to the horse of hissoul, refreshed by water

Itdoes not need much wisdom to utter words of reproof; but much wisdomis needed to find such words as do not embitter a man’s misfortune, butencourage him, restore to him his spirit, put spurs to the horse of hissoul, refreshed by water. (Nikolai Gogol, Taras Bulba)

We don’t need to know the effects of single agents on health, because this is not the way that nature works. Nutrition has a wholistic effect on health; one that we consistently miss and misinterpret when we focus on isolated nutrients

We don't need to know the effects of single agents on health, because this is not the way that nature works. Nutrition has a wholistic effect on health; one that we consistently miss and misinterpret when we focus on isolated nutrients

We don’t need to know the effects of single agents on health, because this is not the way that nature works. Nutrition has a wholistic effect on health; one that we consistently miss and misinterpret when we focus on isolated nutrients (T. Colin Campbell, Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition)