He considered the hard times in his life. All the things he had been afraid of. All those years wasted, he told himself, because I was terrified of being different. That’s why all us fifty-four-year-olds end up looking so much alike. All of us are terrified of being different

He considered the hard times in his life. All the things he had been afraid of. All those years wasted, he told himself, because I was terrified of being different. That's why all us fifty-four-year-olds end up looking so much alike. All of us are terrified of being different

He considered the hard times in his life. All the things he had been afraid of. All those years wasted, he told himself, because I was terrified of being different. That’s why all us fifty-four-year-olds end up looking so much alike. All of us are terrified of being different. (Stuart McLean)